Taking Time for ME!

I’ve never really been a bath person, and really haven’t learned the art of Taking Time for ME!  Today I took my second bath of the year! (Now, now….be nice!  I shower at least once a day!!!!!)

Really, it was a Taking Time for ME moment that got me started on this blog!  You see, about a week ago I had a terrible headache that wouldn’t go away.  At the urging of ML and my son, Zach, I took a hot bath in epsom salts, turned the bubbles on, turned the lights down low and RELAXED!  That is a very foreign word for me, as it is for most of us in this day and age of hustle and bustle, multi-tasking and never letting them see you sweat mentality.  I will admit, there was a nice glass of red wine and a tumbler full of fresh water by my bath side.  In that true moment of relaxation I looked at the tumbler that ML had bought me some time ago that says BLESSED LIFE on it and I realized how I was going to make myself stop and smell the roses and truly appreciate the BLESSED LIFE I have and the many blessings, big and small that contribute to my true happiness.  And so, www.blessedbrokenroad.com became a thing!

Thanks to my son’s thoughtful birthday gift of wonderful bath bombs from @LUSH, I am learning to appreciate baths, but especially feeling blessed that I am Taking Time for ME!

My challenge to you today is to Take Time for YOU!  Even if it is just a few minutes enjoying your morning coffee before the kids wake up or a half hour indulging yourself in your latest magazine or slipping away early and crawling into a nice clean bed in warm pyjamas…try to Take Time for YOU!  Please share what you took time to do for YOU today!

God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you!




Happy Birthday to ME!

What a fantastic, blessed day!  I got to spend most of the day with ML and of course, he spoiled me!  First, we went to @9roundbedfordnh to see about joining (New Year’s Resolution is to find something that keeps me energized and healthy), then we had lunch @PaneraBread (yummy soup to warm my tummy on a frigidly cold day) and then I got to relax in front of a fire and read my book until all the kids got home.  Dinner at one of my favs @OliveGarden was wonderful and then we got home to presents and birthday cake.  So many blessings wrapped into one big day, but the best of them all was spending quality time with my family!

Thank you family for a truly blessed day!

God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you!




Welcome to my blessings blog!

New Year’s Resolutions are easy to start, but are all too often broken within the first couple of weeks.  My 2018 New Year’s resolution has not been easy for me to start, but here I am, hoping that this is the first of many, many posts sharing about the things that I find blessings in and inviting you to share your blessings with me.  I’ve heard many times that problems shared are problems halved, well, my hope is that blessings shared are blessings multiplied!!!!

Thank you for taking this journey with me to better appreciate the blessings that we are all lucky enough to have. We just have to be more aware of them in our everyday lives!

God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you!

