My name is Lara-Lee and I believe that I am blessed everyday in big and small ways, I just need to remember to look for those blessings in everything I experience.  It seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but I believe that if we don’t make a conscious choice to identify those blessings, we will miss them and our lives will not be as full as they are meant to be!

My family is truly my biggest blessing!  My Love (ML – aka. my wonderful husband, Kevin), Ashley, Mackenzie, Zach and Maggie are my reasons to wake up with a smile on my face, find the blessings in everyday and go to bed a thankful wife, mother, person!  We have our ups and downs, just like all families (I’m not here to paint an unrealistic picture of a perfect family or life), but I recently learned that in order to feel joy and happiness we must too feel pain and suffering, because without the one, we truly cannot appreciate the other.  (Brene Brown – Ted Talk on The Power of Vulnerability)

I challenge you to find the daily blessings in everything YOU experience and if you would like, please take a moment to share your blessings with me.  I believe that if we share our blessings, they will be multiplied!

God blessed the broken road that has led me straight to you!

